Across the world, scientific laboratories are ramping down in the face of COVID-19. At Columbia University’s Zuckerman Institute, some brain scientists are pivoting from their own research and launching new efforts to combat the novel coronavirus. Lab in the Time of Coronavirus explores these projects and the daily lives of the researchers behind them.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Virus Blocker
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Crisis is the mother of invention. In response to the COVID-19, smart minds across the world are creating new healthcare devices and innovations that may outlast the pandemic itself.
This episode of Lab in the Time of Coronavirus explores a new piece of equipment designed to protect doctors during procedures that help patients breathe: a COVID-proof box that shields against the virus, and filters infected air to trap virus particles. Working hand-in-hand with doctors, a team of scientists and engineers developed the device at Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute — and in makeshift workspaces set up in their homes. Together, they hope it will guard healthcare workers against viruses and other infectious agents even after the current crisis has ended.

Monday Apr 13, 2020
Facing the Crisis
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
A team of young brain researchers. A laboratory workspace turned into a factory. 3D printing face shield parts to keep healthcare workers safe.